******************************************************************************** Windows 95 SCSI Tape Installable File System Release 1.10 Alpha 11 (960522) McAfee Associates, Inc., 1996 ******************************************************************************** ReadMe Notes ------------------------------ Installation UnZip to a temporary subdirectory. Using Explorer, right mouse click TapeIFS.INF installation. Select the Install context menu item. Once complete, restart the system. System Requirements Windows 95 on 486 or better. Minimum 8 megabytes RAM. Requires 5 megabytes of hard disk. Devices Supported Win95/NT SCSI MiniPort Compliant. Host Adapters: Adaptec Bus Logic Future Domain DAT Tape Devices: HP Conner WangDAT 8MM Tape Devices: ExaByte QIC Tape Devices: Wangtek Tandberg Archive Mini-QIC Tape Devices: Conner Tandberg ExaByte DLT Tape Devices: DEC Configuration Device Manager Control Panel Operations: Tray Icon menu: Explore Format Eject Retension Resync Tape Properties About